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Why Government Should Look To Play Small Ball

In 1961, President Kennedy challenged America's science community to put a man on the moon within a decade. At that time, NASA had only ever launched astronaut Alan Shepard into suborbit for a short 15-minute ride. Going to the moon was a huge leap forward from that....

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Let’s Do This!

Anxious to get going and 15 minutes after getting started, we registered a new Not-For-Profit. Done online with a few clicks (and $230!) suddenly Ottawa had a new organization. Definitely not as painful as I had thought, and with some paperwork from an existing...

You are doing what?

If you are an entrepreneur, you've probably encountered people questioning your sanity. Often regularly. Perhaps you've given up the comforts of a salary and left a full-time job to pursue your dream. Or you stumbled upon something so often that you've thought...

What can happen over a coffee!

As with many entrepreneurial stories, a chain of serendipitous events often leads to the rise of a new venture. A few months ago, I had the chance to meet someone at a networking event like we all do regularly. We both thought what the other was doing sounded...

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